News and media
Useful contacts and links
The Trust's Communications Team can help with and answer a wide range of general enquiries about health services, medical conditions and treatments.
However, you may also find it useful to refer to one of the organisations listed below for further information on a specific topic, particularly if you are researching information outside office hours or we have been unable to help you.
*Please note that the Trust is not responsible for the content of external sites.
General NHS, healthcare & government organisations
- Department of Health
- NHS Choices
- NHS Direct
- NHS Confederation
- Foundation Trust Network
- Care Quality Commission
- Best Treatments
- Health Protection Agency
- Food Standards Agency
Royal colleges and professional bodies
- General Medical Council
- British Medical Association
- Royal College of Nursing
- Royal College of Midwives
- Royal College of Physicians
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Royal College of Surgeons in England
- Royal College of Anaesthetists
- Royal College of Radiologists
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- British Association of Dermatologists
Medical publications
- British Medical Journal
- The Lancet
- The International Journal of Clinical Practice
- Health Service Journal
Local government within the West Hertfordshire area
Specialist organisations and charities
- Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
- Royal National Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RNID)
- British Heart Foundation
- Diabetes UK
- UK Transplant
- British Liver Trust
- Haemophilia Society
- Cancer Research UK
- Breast Cancer Care
- Breakthrough Breast Cancer
- Men's Health Forum
- Terrence Higgins Trust
- National AIDS Trust
- FPA (Family Planning Association)
- Tommy’s - the baby charity
- The Stroke Association
- Scope
- Mind – National Association for Mental Health
- Rethink – formerly The National Schizophrenia Fellowship
- Hypnotherapy Directory