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More from news and media Picture of three small lines which when clicked on activate a menu with links to other pages

News and media

Media enquiries and information for journalists

The Trust’s Communications team provides a dedicated service for journalists and the media.

We can help you with:

Media Enquiries

All media enquires should come through the Trust’s Communications Team. This is to:

Directions To Our Hospitals

Please see the ‘Travelling to our hospital sites’ webpage in the first instance.

Filming & Photography

Selected areas of the Trust's hospitals have, from time to time, been photographed or filmed for a variety of purposes, including live news broadcasts and locations for documentaries or dramas.

In most instances, if you are coming to one of the Trust’s hospitals to interview one of our staff or to carry out photography or filming, you will usually be met by one of the Communications team.

Please note that certain conditions and charges may apply. Photography and filming is not allowed in some areas of the hospitals, as patient care is always a priority and we have a duty to protect the confidentiality of our patients.

In addition, a number of our staff who are leading experts in their field have been approached for filming or photographic purposes, and have accumulated significant broadcasting experience.

If you would like to use any of our sites as a location or a member of staff for photography or filming or have any questions, please contact the Communications Team on 01923 436284, or by email at

* Please note that anyone who is found to be filming or photographing at our hospitals without the permission of the Trust’s Communications Team will be asked to leave immediately, and footage and photographs may be confiscated.

Patient Condition Checks

We are not able to give out any patient information or details of their care, without the patients or their next of kin’s informed consent.

Hertfordshire Constabulary operates a patient condition check system when investigating an incident, for example a road accident. This allows us to give the media basic condition checks on these patients, while at the same time protecting their right to confidentiality.

Useful background information

Please visit the About the Trust section for more information, including links to board members, Annual Plans and Reports.