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Gastroenterology consultants

Dr Mark Fullard

Picture of Dr Mark Fullard, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Name, qualifications:

Dr Mark Fullard, MD, MRCP

Practising at:

Watford General Hospital, Hemel Hempstead Hospital, St Alban's City Hospital



Special clinical interests:

Oesophageal disease, Dyspepsia, Barrett's Oesophagus

Current posts (NHS):

Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust

Year of First Medical Qualification


Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies:

Contact details:


Professional profile

Having graduated from the University of Leicester in 1995, I completed my specialist training in gastroenterology and general internal medicine on the South East Thames training rotation and was awarded a certificate of completion of training in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine in October 2007.

I worked as a specialist registrar at St George’s Hospital and King’s College Hospital before being appointed to my consultant post at West Herts in April 2008.

I was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University of London in 2008 following a period of research into aspects of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and Barrett’s oesophagus.

My practice involves the diagnosis and management of all aspects of Gastroenterology and liver disease including diagnostic and therapeutic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. I have a special interest in oesophageal disease and dyspepsia.

Personal profile

I am married with 3 young children and I am a keen golfer and follower of all sports, especially cricket and rugby when time allows.

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