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Gastroenterology consultants

Dr Jonathan Landy

Picture of Dr Jonathan Landy, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Name, qualifications:

Dr Jonathan Landy MBChB, MRCP, PhD

Practising at:

Watford General Hospital, Hemel Hempstead Hospital and St Albans City Hospital


Gastroenterology and Hepatology



Special clinical interests:

Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Bowel cancer screening, Endoscopic mucosal resection, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Faecal microbiota transplantation

Current posts:

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Year of first medical qualification:


Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies:

Contact details:


Professional profile

Having graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2002, I completed my specialist training in gastroenterology and general internal medicine on the North West Thames training rotation and was awarded a certificate of completion of training in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine in August 2015.

I worked as a specialist registrar for 4 years at St Mark's Hospital, including a period of research and an advanced endoscopy fellowship. I also worked at Chelsea and Westminster and West Herts Hospitals before being appointed to my consultant post at West Herts in July 2016.

I was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy PhD from Imperial College London in 2015 following my period of research into the interactions between the immune system and the gut microbiota causing inflammatory bowel diseases, specifically looking at pouchitis. As a part of my research I ran the first UK pilot study of faecal transplantation for inflammatory bowel diseases.

My practice involves the diagnosis and management of all aspects of Gastroenterology and liver disease including diagnostic and therapeutic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. I am an accredited national bowel cancer screening colonoscopist and have a special interest in therapeutic colonoscopy and endoscopy training as well as inflammatory bowel diseases, Clostridium difficile infection and faecal transplantation.

Personal profile

I am married with 2 young children and I am I am an avid cyclist, keen swimmer, squash player and footballer, fanatical rugby fan, ambitious skier and surfer and a voracious consumer of science fiction novels.

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