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Inpatient guide

Before you come in

Admissions letter

Your letter from the Admissions Office will advise you of the date and time that you need to come into hospital. It is very important that you follow these instructions otherwise your treatment may be delayed. If you have any problems or concerns about coming into hospital, please advise the Admissions Office immediately via the telephone number at the top of your letter.

Admissions Office

Please telephone the Admissions Office at 2pm on the day you are due to come into hospital to check that a bed is still available (Not applicable for admission to the St Albans City Hospital Site).

For women using Women's Services you may call Elizabeth Ward on 01923 217902 from anytime after 6am on the proposed day of admission.

If you fail to contact the Admissions Office on the day you are due to come into hospital, a bed may not be available when you arrive.

Supplementary Benefits, Pensions and Allowances

Patients who receive supplementary benefits should inform their local branch of the Department of Social Security (DSS) of their admission to hospital as it may affect the rate payable. If you receive a pension, a relative or friend can be nominated by yourself to cash your orders on your behalf whilst you are an inpatient. However if you are going to be an inpatient for more than 52 weeks you will need to inform your local DSS Office. Patients receiving Attendance Allowance need to inform the DSS after four weeks.

Patient Affairs Office

The hospitals' Patient Affairs Offices will be able to offer you further advice before and after your admission to hospital, or alternatives the ward staff can contact them at this address on your behalf:

Patient Affairs Offices can be contacted at:

There is no Patient Affairs Office at St Albans City Hospital, so please contact Hemel Hempstead Hospital Patient affairs for advice on 01442 287004.


No Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted inside any of the Trust’s premises or anywhere in the grounds. Patients, members of the public and staff are not allowed to smoke on Trust sites. View the trust's smokefree policy

The result of your operation and treatment will be greatly improved if you stop smoking. It is best to stop at least 8 weeks before your operation. There is free local help available, run by experts. For support to quit smoking, please contact Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service on 0800 389 3998, text SMOKEFREE to 80818 or email

Translating and Interpreting

The Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) can book a professional interpreter in advance for our patients.

Please ask a family member or friend who speaks English to contact the ward or department staff to arrange this service. The ward/department must book interpreting or translation through PALS on 01923 217198. This service is free to our patients.

Please ask if you require this service prior to your appointment.

Please note that all our hospital sites, including car parks are SMOKEFREE

Our hospital sites