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Freedom of information publication scheme

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial Information, staff wages and structure, contracts, capital expenditure, lists and registers

Annual Report & Accounts

The Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts cover the financial year period of April to March. It details our Statement of Accounts for the 12 months, all budget and audit reports, our funding, including endowment funds, and the expenses incurred by our Board members.

The Trust's latest and recent Annual Reports.

Standing Financial Instructions

Standing Orders, together with Standing Financial Instructions, provide a regulatory framework for the business conduct of the Trust. They fulfil the dual role of protecting the Trust's interests, and protecting staff from any possible accusation that they have acted less than properly.

The Standing Orders, Scheme of Delegation and Standing Financial Instructions provide a comprehensive business framework and apply irrespective of the source of funding. All executive and non-executive directors, and all members of staff, will be aware of the existence of these documents and, where necessary, be familiar with the detailed provisions.

Documents available

Finance Reports

In support of the Government’s commitment to transparency on the use of public funds each month the Trust publishes a data file of all individual invoices paid and similar expenses paid through standing order or direct debt that exceed £25,000 in a single transaction.

Further information about finance reports.

Overseas Visitors

In accordance with the Charging Regulations the Trust has a legal obligation to make and recover charges for NHS treatment in relation to any person who is not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.

See further information about overseas visitors.

Staff Pay and Grading Structures

The pay and grading structures for staff in the Trust are set nationally by the Department of Health under the ‘Agenda for Change’ programme. Staff positions within the Trust are banded into one of 12 grades, which have a range of 55 pay rates attached to them. Further information can be obtained from the links below to the Department of Health website and the NHS Employers website.

Procurement, Tendering, Contracts awarded and values

West Hertfordshire NHS Hospitals Trust is a member of the Hertfordshire NHS Procurement. It operates as a shared service for purchasing and supply across the whole Hertfordshire health economy. The remit of the organisation encompasses all supplier expenditure and all internal supply chain systems.

As well as helping to improve the financial position, Hertfordshire NHS Procurement is concerned with improving the operational supply system provided to wards and departments, stock and non stock ordering, contract negotiations, cutting purchasing costs, helping to develop centres of procurement, raising the standards of poorer performing trusts and helping to improve patient care by selecting and implementing the most appropriate products for use by clinicians.

Hertfordshire NHS Procurement handles all procurement, tendering and contracts for the Trust and their website has links to help businesses to tender for contracts with the NHS locally and nationally.

Lists and Registers

List of main contractors / suppliers

The Trust does not maintain a list of contractors and suppliers. Our purchasing is done through the Hertfordshire NHS Procurement, as above.

Assets Registers and Information Asset Register

The Trust maintains registers of our physical and information assets, however these are not published for security reasons.

Register of Interests

View any Trust board declared interests.

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to Board members and senior personnel

Details of any gifts and hospitality provided to Board or senior members of staff are available from the Company Secretary:
Trust Secretary, Trust Offices, Vicarage Road, Watford  WD18 0HB.

Trust employees are governed by the Trust's Conflicts of Interest Policy - v7.