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Freedom of information publication scheme

What are our priorities and how are we doing?

Our priorities

The Trust has set itself four aims and a set of objectives to ensure an appropriate focus is placed on what it wants to achieve in line with its strategic ambitions. Progress against the aims and objectives is overseen through the Board Assurance Framework which is considered at Board meetings, with sections reviewed regularly by the relevant Board committee. The Trust’s Board papers can be found here.

We have developed four key aims to support the delivery of our vision – the very best care for every patient, every day.

West Hertfordshire Integrated Partnerships

Work is underway to develop the vision, aims, principles and priorities for west Hertfordshire Integrated Care Partnership. The trust is playing a key leadership role in this work.

Future Strategy

Read our Strategy 2020 to 2025 here

Nursing Strategy

The Nursing and Midwifery Strategy 2017-20

National and local strategies

Our strategy should be considered against a backdrop of these documents, which have all informed how ours has evolved.

Estate redevelopment

A key piece of work is the redevelopment of the hospital estate in west Hertfordshire. The Trust continues to have close dialogue with commissioners, regulators and stakeholders on the refresh of a strategic outline case.

A number of stakeholder panel events were held as part of an options evaluation process. The panel comprised of senior clinicians, colleagues from partner organisations, representatives from the voluntary sector, Healthwatch, the local authority and members of the public to represent the Trust’s four localities; Dacorum, Hertsmere, St Albans and Watford & Three Rivers.

The preferred option had a detailed financial and technical appraisal and before being presented to the Boards of West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Herts Valleys CCG in early summer 2019/20. The Boards’ agreed proposal is being reviewed by the Department of Health & Social Care and regulators.

Read more about the Strategic Outline Case.

How are we doing?

Annual Report

Further details on the Trust’s performance against its aims and objectives can be found in:

The Annual Report and Annual Review

The Quality Account

The Quality Account - available via NHS Choices website.

Care Quality Commission

West Herts was recognised as ‘good for caring as long term improvement journey continues. To read more about the CQC’s assessment see here..

Also, on the CQC’s website here