Hemel Hempstead Hospital
Hemel Hempstead Hospital
Hillfield Road
Hemel Hempstead
Herts, HP2 4AD
Tel: 01442 213141
About Hemel Hempstead Hospital
Urgent Treatment Centre - Open 8am to 10pm every day
The Urgent Treatment Centre at Hemel Hempstead Hospital provides urgent care services for the local community.
In an emergency dial 999. If you need medical advice when the Urgent Treatment Centre is closed, please call 111. The NHS 111 service will help you get the treatment you need. need and direct you to the most appropriate place. You can even avoid queues by booking an appointment time.
West Hertfordshire Teaching Hosptals NHS Trust does not provide inpatient care at Hemel Hempstead Hospital. There is one inpatient ward (St Peter’s) at the hospital and this is used by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
Travel, directions and parking
- A map of the hospital site showing buildings and car parking - Links to a PDF document - opens in a new window
- Detailed parking information including costs and the procedure for concessionary parking
- Further information about travelling to our hospital sites
Contacting a department at Hemel Hempstead Hospital
Food and drink
The All Good Coffee Co. 8am to 4pm (Monday to Friday) level 2, Verulam wing
Infopoint free phone help points
Infopoint help points are free telephone kiosks which allow the user to make free calls for a taxi, travel information, general health advice, the Trust switchboard and Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS).
At Hemel Hempstead Hospital, the Infopoint located in the Urgent Care Centre.
Jubilee Chapel Verulam wing. Roman Catholic Mass every Tuesday at 1pm. Chaplain: 01923 217994