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Paediatric consultants

Picture of Dr Anthony Cohn

Dr Anthony Cohn

Name, qualifications:


Practising at:

Watford General Hospital and Hemel Hempstead Hospital





Special clinical interests:

Constipation/soiling wetting. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Biopsychosocial conditions.

Current posts (NHS, University):

Watford General Hospital / Hemel Hempstead Hospital

Year of first medical qualification:


Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies:


Contact details:

Secretary's name: Amber Mathews
Secretary's telephone number: 01923 217992


Professional profile:

I am interested in all aspects of paediatrics, especially delivering sensitive, child-focussed care. I am keen to involve children in their consultation as much as possible, and to restrict to the minimum the amount of investigations and treatments, which they have to undergo. I want children to enjoy their visit.

I also appreciate the anxieties and difficulties of being a parent. By working in partnership with families, I hope to alleviate the parents' - and grandparents' - fears and worries as well.

I see lots of children with a variety of different problems. I have a particular interest in c    onstipation/stool withholding, soiling and wetting, and have published a book to help families deal with these conditions.

I also see many children with headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome and sleep problems.

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