Simulation fellows

A Simulation Fellow has a significant role in the delivery of simulation based education here at WHHT. By the end of their time working with WiSER, it is anticipated that they will be able to confidently plan, deliver and critically evaluate simulation based education.

We currently offer the programme to senior training grade doctors but are hopefully involving other areas of healthcare professionals in the future.

People involved in the programme will be expected to attend debrief training as facilitated by the WiSER team as well as helping to develop the simulation programme further. This involves writing new scenarios based on never events or known serious incidents so our Trust can learn from them in a safe environment, facilitate six high fidelity simulation sessions and participate in research projects with the support of WiSER.

We have recruitment periods throughout the year; however it is always worth contacting WiSER to express your interest. The team will then invite you to come along to observe how WiSER runs simulation to see if you think it would be a good fit for you. If you would still like to pursue a fellowship as an option, we will then discuss next steps.

Our simulation fellows

Picture showing Dr Juanita Ravindran, associate sim fellow


Picture showing Vithushan, associate sim fellow


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Dr Florika Radia


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Shamira


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Michael J


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Linda


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Mehul


Picture showing Assad Kido, associate sim fellow


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Veda Kudva


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Deshveer Babra


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Kholiwe Kutshwa


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Harry Mitchell


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Joshua Koslover


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Omar Hussain


Picture of Simulation Fellow, Sathana Ingaralingam
