We have a large, spacious gym with exercise bikes, treadmill, stepper, leg press and weights benches as well as parallel bars for gait re-education

picture a large, spacious gym with exercise bikes, treadmill, stepper, leg press and weights benches as well as parallel bars for gait re-education


Exercise therapy is crucial to aid recovery from injury or illness and we are fortunate to have access to a wide range of equipment and resources to empower you to restore your body to enable you to return to your normal activities.

Our facilities include a large, spacious gym with exercise bikes, treadmill, stepper, leg press and weights benches as well as parallel bars for gait re-education.

Using our online exercise prescription software, we are also able to consolidate your treatment sessions with a tailored home exercise programme which includes videos and instructions on how to continue your recovery at home.

We have access to electrotherapy devices such as ultrasound, pulsed shortwave diathermy and TENS as well as acupuncture.

We also have private consultation rooms and specialist women’s health treatment rooms with access to biofeedback (a type of therapy that uses sensors attached to your body to measure key body functions).

Our physiotherapists are have close links with the orthopaedic consultants at West Hertfordshire NHS Trust and also with local GPs, and can also refer you on to other recommended services as required.