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Surgical Appliances

Types of Appliance

The largest part of the surgical appliance service is dealing with the supply, adaptation and repair of footwear. This work is carried out by a trained orthotist who will assess and measure the patient and advise on the best course of treatment for the particular condition.

Depending on the patients requirements patients may be seen by either an orthotist or a surgical appliance officer who will ensure that the correct appliance is issued for the condition being treated.

Below is a list of other appliances issued by the surgical appliance department and an indication to the frequency that these may be changed.

  • Footwear Adult - Patient to have 2 pairs of shoes in good condition. Issued 1 pair at a time.
  • Footwear Paediatric - 1 pair of footwear replaced as necessary.
  • Footwear Repairs - Only carried out if a complex adaptation to the heel or sole has been made. Patient must bring in shoes to be repaired.
  • Footwear Adaptations - Patients will need to provide their own footwear. 2 pairs of shoes in the first year followed by 1 pair per annum will be adapted.
  • Footwear Raises - 2 pairs of shoes in the first year followed by 1 pair pair per annum will be raised.
  • Insoles Adult and Paediatric - 1 pair of insoles will be provided
  • Insoles Repair - There is no fixed time for renewal of insoles. they will be reviewed as requested and replaced when necessary.
  • Callipers Adult and Paediatric - 1 pair of callipers fitted and provided.
  • Splints/AFOs Adult and Paediatric - 1 pair of splints/afos will be provided.
  • Splints/AFOs Repairs - Patients must contact the department if their appliance needs repair or replacement.
  • Knee Braces Adult and Paediatrics - 1 knee brace or pair of braces are fitted and supplied at any one time. Long-term users will be supplied with a replacement brace when their current brace is beyond economical repair.
  • Wrist Supports - Patients will be provided with 1 (or bilateral if required).
  • Collar - Patients will be provided with 1 soft or hard hard collar.
  • Fabric Supports - 2 fabric supports will be fitted and supplied.
  • Spinal Supports - 1 plastic spinal orthosis will be fitted and supplied.
  • Elastic Hosiery - One pair of elastic stockings or tights will be supplied. If a further supply is needed, patients will be advised to visit their GP to obtain a prescription, after which patients can go to any chemist to obtain their orthoses. Following the initial patient appointment, the patient will be sent a letter detailing patient compression required.
  • Wigs - Alopecia patients may be supplied with 2 acrylic wigs initially then 1 annually as required. Other patients may be supplied with 1 acrylic wig annually as required.
  • Breast Prosthesis - prosthesis will be replaced if they become faulty or if the patient changes shape and the prosthesis becomes unsuitable.
  • Helmets - 1 will be supplied.

If you are unsure about any item or whether you qualify or not please contact your Appliance Officer for details.